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Writing Sample: Insights Article (Work W/ VCI Global Limited)

Is Green Hydrogen Fuel of the Future?

The production of hydrogen, which produces green hydrogen, is one of the keys to achieving this goal because it now accounts for more than 2% of all worldwide CO2 emissions. The energy industry is looking for sustainable replacements for fossil fuels since they may have longer-term effects that worsen the climate.

Key points

  • The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts that by 2050, hydrogen will account for 12% of the world's energy supply.

  • It is being employed in fertiliser manufacture and petroleum refining, and transportation is also opening up new markets for it. Fuel cells may produce heat and energy from hydrogen.

  • It is essential to promote it in order to fulfil the Paris Agreement's climate commitments and the zero-emission goals necessary to address the climate emergency.

The energy industry is continuously looking for sustainable replacements for fossil fuels since they may have longer-term effects that worsen the climate and hasten global warming. However, one of the objectives that nations from all over the world have set for 2050 is decarbonizing the planet. The production of an element like hydrogen, which produces green hydrogen, is one of the keys to achieving this goal because it now accounts for more than 2% of all worldwide CO2 emissions.

Subsequently, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts that by 2050, hydrogen will account for 12% of the world's energy supply. Furthermore, it was suggested that water, rather than natural gas, should provide around 66% of the hydrogen needed. Also, renewable hydrogen is currently regarded as the "fuel of the future" due to its enormous potential. It is one of the elements that are most plentiful on earth and makes for a better alternative fuel option.

What is Green Hydrogen?

It is based on the chemical process known as electrolysis, which produces hydrogen, a fuel that is universal, light, and extremely reactive. This process divides the hydrogen from the oxygen in water using an electrical current. Therefore, if this electricity is generated through renewable resources, we won't be adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere while producing energy. The IEA noted that this approach to obtaining green hydrogen will prevent the annual emission of 830 million tonnes of CO2 when this gas is produced using fossil fuels.

How is it processed?

Using electrolysis. Also, a huge electrolyser, plenty of electricity, and water are required to create enormous volumes of hydrogen. Hydrogen is effectively green if the electricity is generated using renewable resources like wind, sun, or water; the only carbon emissions are those caused by the infrastructure used for power generation.

Why is it referred to as "future fuel"?

In the same way as other fuels, burning hydrogen also releases energy. The fact that water and water vapour are produced as byproducts of burning hydrogen makes it an environmentally benign fuel. Additionally, because it is also an energy carrier, it has the capacity to store or transmit a significant quantity of energy.

It is being employed in fertiliser manufacture and petroleum refining, and transportation is also opening up new markets for it. Fuel cells may produce heat and energy from hydrogen. Additionally, it has the ability to generate energy for a variety of uses, including backup power and portable power. The global economy's unavoidable process of decarbonization will increase the significance of hydrogen. And in addition, they will surely be looking at one of the fuels of the future if its production costs drop by 50% by 2030 as anticipated by the World Hydrogen Council.

The pros and cons of green hydrogen


  • 100% sustainable

  • Versatile

  • Easy to be kept and managed


  • High costing in manufacturing

  • Consumes higher energy in production

  • Safety hazard for manufacturing workers

In conclusion, it must have been necessary to harness and use alternative and green energy in order to maintain a stable climate and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Therefore, it is essential to promote it in order to fulfil the Paris Agreement's climate commitments and the zero-emission goals necessary to address the climate emergency.


Green hydrogen: the energy of the future essential for decarbonisation | ACCIONA. (n.d.).

Green hydrogen: an alternative that reduces emissions and cares for our planet. (2021, April 22). Iberdrola.

Yadav, P. (2022, June 1). Explained: What Is Green Hydrogen And Why It’s Considered As The ‘Fuel Of The Future.’ IndiaTimes.

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